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Berkley Athletic Association

Berkley Athletic Association

Coaches Guidelines

Guidelines for Coaches  (Link to Document Here)

The position of coach is a serious responsibility, because you lead and teach by example, so your behavior is carefully watched and imitated. Your opinions and behavior during games and practices carry more weight than a player's parent or even a player's friends:

A good coach should read and take to heart what former Boston Celtics coach K.C. Jones says in the enclosed letter entitled, "If You Think Winning is the Only Thing That Matters in Sports, Maybe You Should Volunteer for Something Else."


By K.C. Jones

That may seem like a strong statement but, unfortunately, in the last few years, an attitude that "winning is the only thing" has crept into the amateur sports ranks. Sure, winning is everything in professional sports - - that's why the players get paid those enormous salaries. After all, people won't fill stadiums to see losers.

But, in your league sports programs, is it right for a coach to "chew out" his players simply because they didn't win? HARDLY! The purpose of amateur sports programs is basically to instill in youngster those attitudes and characteristics which will make them better adjusted in the years ahead. This can be accomplished by teaching them to prepare themselves physically and mentally before competition so they have every chance to win.

You can teach a youngster that to succeed in life you must work hard by explaining that if he wishes to win the upcoming game, he must once again work hard to prepare. In turn, there is a great education to be gained from learning to lose.

Because they have volunteered their time, many volunteer coaches never stop to think that they are responsible for the welfare of the youngsters they coach. The feeling is that since they are donating their time, they are not really held responsible. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.

Morally, the volunteer coach is held responsible for the psychological damage he may cause youngsters. In a sense, parents are depending on the volunteer coach to see that proper attitudes are instilled in their youngsters' minds. Volunteers who agree to coach also agree to be responsible for the safety of the young people they coach.

A good coach should also:

1.     Coach clean, skillful and sportsmanlike athletics by stressing playing hard to win over winning itself.

2.     Stress good sportsmanship. The coach is responsible for a player's conduct when they are together as a team.

3.     Be a "fun leader". Athletics are games, to be enjoyed, so work on a team morale as well as skills and tactics.

4.     "Praise in Public; Criticism in private."

5.     Know the rules of the game teach them to your players and abide by them and the by-laws.

6.     Refrain from profanity, vulgar language or bad habits. You are molding a character by your example as an adult as well as a coach.

7.     Minimize coaching from the sidelines during games.

8.     Pre-plan all practice sessions in detail to be interesting, fast paced, and involve all team members as much as possible (minimize standing around).

9.     Stress individual skill development more than tactic.

10.  Minimize lectures; maximize demonstrations. Kids learn best by doing, not listening.

11.  Treat any officials (referees, umpires, etc.) with respect no matter what the call. Disagreements are to be discussed in private.

12.  Be responsible for seeing that your players are picked up at the end of practices and games. Under no circumstances are players to be left unattended. If a coach cannot be present, he/she must make arrangements so that an adult will be present to supervise the players.

13.  Be responsible for picking up and returning all equipment and uniforms on designated dates. All managers and coaches should present a list of equipment needs at the close of each season to the equipment manager.

14.  Be responsible for promoting, distributing, collecting and/or returning all letters, notices and fund-raising materials and money.

15.  Immediately communicate any problem with a player to the board.

16.  See to it that all activity is confined to the field or arena except for the use of restrooms.

17.  Attend all general meetings.

BAA Complaint Process / Handling of Violations

The BAA takes complaints and any violations to our current rules/guidelines very seriously.   All complaints may be reported to the Director or any E-Board member.  Complaints may also be lodged via our website,  All complaints that come into the website will go directly to the President of the league.

The BAA’s complaint process is as follows:

·       1st offense – Verbal Warning will be issued to the coach

·       2nd offense – Written Warning, along with 1 game coaching suspension

o   An email will also be sent to the team’s parents with a brief explanation of the situation

·       3rd offense – The Coach will be removed from coaching for the duration of the current season, as well as all other sports for the year.

I have read and will adhere to the “Guidelines for Coaches” as outlined above. 

I have also read and understand how violations will be handled by the BAA.

PRINT COACH’S NAME HERE: ____________________________________

COACH'S SIGNATURE (WRITTEN) ____________________________________


Berkley Athletic Association
P.O. Box 331 
N Dighton, Massachusetts 02764

Email: [email protected]

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