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Berkley Athletic Association

Berkley Athletic Association

Please Read Our Code of Conduct For All BAA Activities

Code of Conduct

The founding principles of the BAA include developing friendship, initiating sportsmanship, and creating a friendly, competitive atmosphere in which our children can learn and play. Your behavior on the court/fields and in the stands/bleachers/sidelines and the attitudes you pass on to your kids are major contributing factors toward the achievement of those goals. In order to uphold these principals, the BAA has adopted this Code of Conduct. All parents/guardians, players, family and friends, as attendees of BAA events, including but not limited to practices, games and tournaments, are expected to behave in a respectful, courteous and sportsmanlike manner at all times.


The BAA has empowered all officials to eject from any game any spectator, parent, coach, or player who engages in abusive, unruly, dangerous or other inappropriate behavior. Obscene language, taunting or harassment of officials, players, coaches, scorers, timers, or other spectators WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Adults will receive a verbal warning and/or be asked to leave the BAA event for any of the following behaviors:  being flagrantly rude, attempting to intimidate, verbally abusing, heckling, taunting, ridiculing, booing, throwing objects and/or using vulgarity or profane language/gestures with an official, coach, volunteer, staff member, participant or other event attendee and/or using alcohol, tobacco or non-prescription drugs and/or appearing intoxicated at a BAA event. The adult’s children may also be removed from the event. Refusal to heed the official’s decision will result in a forfeit of the violator’s team. Any adult who commits one of the above stated offenses a second time will be banned from all BAA events for a period of one year from the date of the second offense and their children may also be removed from the program(s) for that time period.

Any adult who physically assaults an official, coach, volunteer, staff member or participant or threatens grave bodily harm may be banned from all BAA events for one year from the date of the offense and their children may also be removed from any and all BAA programs for that same period of time. After the ban has expired, if the individual commits another offense of the adult code of conduct, the individual will be permanently banned from all BAA events and the individual’s children may also be permanently removed from any and all BAA programs.


·         Treat your opponents, coaches, referees and teammates with respect.

·         Represent your team, club, family, and yourself with class and honor.

·         Show good sportsmanship in both victory and defeat.

·         Be a good teammate and remember that everyone makes mistakes.

·         Always play fair and give your best effort.

It is the responsibility of the all participants to comply with all rules and regulations stipulated, adopted or recognized by the BAA. Any non-compliance with any and all rules and regulations may be cause for discipline and/or dismissal as deemed necessary by the BAA. 


Berkley Athletic Association
P.O. Box 331 
N Dighton, Massachusetts 02764

Email: [email protected]

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