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Berkley Athletic Association

Berkley Athletic Association

2019 BAA By-Laws

Berkley Athletic Association



Article I – Title and Objectives

SEC. 1 This organization shall be formally known as the Berkley Athletic Association, Incorporated, hereafter referred to as the B.A.A.

SEC. 2 The objective of the B.A.A. is to promote, organize, administer and fund athletic programs within the community. The B.A.A. is to do this while encouraging and inspiring high moral character, sportsmanship, citizenship and dedication to team and community amongst the youth of Berkley.

SEC. 3 The B.A.A. is a non-profit, charitable organization.

Article II – Membership / Voting

SEC. 1 Any town resident, eighteen years of age or older, is eligible to become a B.A.A. member.

A non-resident membership may be allowed. A written request must be submitted to the membership at a regular monthly B.A.A. meeting.

Following discussion with the B.A.A. membership, the Executive Board, by majority vote, will determine approval or disapproval of the request.

SEC. 2 A "regular" B.A.A. meeting is the schedules monthly B.A.A. meeting, or any meeting scheduled of the B.A.A. membership at the regularly schedules monthly B.A.A. meeting.

All monthly meetings will be held on the 1st non-holiday Monday of each month.

SEC. 3 Voting may be held with a quorum of the membership present at any schedules meeting. A quorum will consist of ten (10) voting members of whom at least five (5) are Executive Board members.

A. Voting privileges are received after attending three (3) consecutive regular monthly meetings of the B.A.A.

B. Voting privileges will be suspended to any member who misses three (3) consecutive regular monthly meetings for the first meeting to which that member is again present. Voting privileges will be restored to that member upon attendance at their second meeting following the three (3) consecutive absences.

Article III – Executive Board

SEC. 1 The Executive Board of the B.A.A. will consist of sixteen (16) active and voting B.A.A. members.

A. The Executive Board will consist of elected members. These elected members are the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Accountant/Bookkeeper, and Directors: Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Travel Baseball, Travel Basketball, Travel Soccer, Complex, Concessions, Safety Officer, and Transitional Director.  

B. 1. Nominations for the Basketball and Soccer Director will be held at the March meeting of the B.A.A. with elections being held at the April B.A.A. meeting. Their terms will begin May 1st of the current year.

2. Nominations for the Executive Board Officers will be held at the September meeting of the B.A.A. with elections being held at the October B.A.A. meeting. Their terms will begin November 1 of the current year.

C. Special elections of the pro-temp officials may be held, as need arises, with nominations and voting being held at the same meeting. This may be done in the event of a need to fill vacancies. Pro-temp positions may be held until the December elections.

D. For the purpose of voting, a quorum of the Executive Board for Executive Board votes will be nine (9) of the sixteen (16) members or 60% of the Executive Board should vacancies exist.

E. The Executive Board may be expanded with the approval of the B.A.A. membership.

SEC. 2 The President will serve as Chairman of the Executive Board and of the B.A.A. In his absence, the Vice President shall preside.

In the absence of both the President and Vice President, the attending members will elect a pro-temp chairperson.

SEC. 3 The calendar to which the Executive Board of the B.A.A. will adhere holds that the Fiscal Year begins on the 1st day of January and ends on December 31st.

Article IV – Duties of the Executive Board

SEC. 1 The Executive Board of the B.A.A. shall:

A. Screen all applicants for Team Managers and recommend them for approval or denial by a majority vote of the B.A.A. A manager or head coach must be reconsidered and approved or disapproved at the beginning of every new season.

B. Appoint the Equipment Manager and Field Coordinators.

C. Make decisions concerning the addition or subtraction of terms to best suit the numbers of children involved.

D. Enforce the rules and regulations of intertown and other affiliated.

E. Oversee the proper use of all B.A.A. property.

F. With the exclusion of the President and Treasurer, audit the financial records of the B.A.A. on an annual basis.

G. Organize and delegate all fund raising for the B.A.A.

H. Act as a court to hear the complaints or requests received through its athletic programs.

I. Organize or delegate registrations for all divisions of its athletic programs.

J. Act upon any emergency that cannot wait until a regular monthly B.A.A. meeting.

Article V – Duties of the Executive Officers

SEC. 1 President – the President will act as Chairman of the Executive Board and conduct both Executive Board meetings as regularly schedules B.A.A. meetings.

The President will, with the assistance of area Directors and the Treasurer, estimate and oversee the annual operating costs of the B.A.A. to include ensuring the appropriate compensating for each bill. The President will co-sign all checks and appropriations.

SEC. 2 Vice President – the Vice President will directly assist the President and assume the responsibilities in the absence of the President.

The Vice President shall work with the Program Directors and parents to encourage, plan, and pursue fund raising for use by the B.A.A.

SEC. 3 Treasurer – The Treasurer will present at each meeting of the B.A.A. all expenditures made and all bills outstanding.

The Treasurer of the B.A.A. will track and record all expenses and income of each program and such records will be available for formal consideration prior to the awarding of funding and commencement of the next year's program. The Treasurer will give updates on balances and income. The Treasurer will co-sign all checks and appropriations.

SEC. 4 Secretary – The Secretary will take minutes of regular monthly B.A.A. meetings as well as Executive Board meetings, and report to the membership a review of previous meetings.

The Secretary will keep accurate attendance records and, prior to commencement of the regular meeting, read off all those members who are eligible to vote.

SEC. 5 Boys Director – The Boys Director will assist in finding managers/coaches and will work with the Equipment Manager to maintain necessary and safe equipment.

The Boys Director will organize registrations and tryouts and will act as a liaison between the public and the Executive Board.

The (Basketball /Soccer/Baseball/Tee-Ball/Softball) Director will be responsible for bringing suggested rule changes, at his/her discretion, to the full membership for approval at a regular monthly meeting.  All proposed rule changes will be presented to all coaches via email prior to the next general meeting.  The proposed rules will be voted on by the general membership and will be accepted via a simple majority vote.

The Boys Director will be responsible for the selection of tournament team coaches and players. Tournament team players must be currently registered participants in the recreation league and are selected by recommendations from recreation league coaches. Each coach will be asked to recommend a pre-determined number of players. Players with the most recommendations will be placed on the tournament team. Tournament team coaches will determine the number of players placed on the team.

SEC. 6 Girls Director – Includes all duties from Section 5 and includes all the securing of umpires for each game and the general organization of teams.

SEC. 7 Tee Ball Director – Include all duties from Section 6.

SEC. 8 Basketball Director – Include all duties from Section 6.

SEC. 9 The Facilities Coordinator will work with the Baseball, Tee/Farm League and Softball Director to the schedule practices around scheduled games and reschedule postponed games. The Facilities Coordinator will work with the Basketball Director to schedule practices and games as fairly as possible. This Director will be the main contact for coaches to reschedule games and practices.

SEC. 10 The Officials Coordinator will work with the Baseball, Softball and Basketball Directors to obtain, schedule and train umpires, referees, scorers and other officials that are needed by the B.A.A.

Article VI – Appointed Positions

SEC. 1 In order to provide for the operations of the various leagues, the directors will be assisted in their duties by committees.

A. Each committee will be appointed by the Director from all the coaches for the sport involved, plus others deemed necessary by the Director and B.A.A. President

B. Each Committee will have an advisory role over how that League will be run. For example, rules, clinics, facility upgrades, all-stars, travel teams, etc…

C. All final decisions will rest with the B.A.A. voting membership. All coaches should work to become voting members.

Article VII – Organization Status, Taxation and Dissolution

SEC. 1 Notwithstanding ant other provisions of these articles, the B.A.A. is organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and shall not carry on any activities no permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under the IRC 501 (c) (3) or corresponding provisions of any subsequent tax laws.

SEC. 2 No part of the net earnings of the B.A.A. shall inquire to the benefit of any member, trustee, director, officer of the B.A.A., or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the organization), and no member, trustee, officer of the B.A.A. or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the organization's assets on dissolution of the organization.

SEC. 3 No substantial part of the activities of the B.A.A. shall be carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided by the IRC 501 (h)) or participating in, or intervening in (including the publication or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidates for public office.

SEC. 4 In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of the B.A.A. shall after payment of necessary expenses thereof be distributed to such organizations as shall qualify under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal tax laws, or to the Federal government or State or local Justice of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

SEC. 5 In any taxable year in which the B.A.A. is a private foundation as described in IRC 509(a), the organization shall distribute its income for said period at such time and manner as not to subject it to tax under IRC 4942, and the organization shall not (a) engage in any act of self-dealing as defined in IRC 4941(d), (b) retain any excess business holdings as defined in IRC 4943(c), (c) make any investments in such a manner as to subject the organization to tax under IRC 4945(d) or correspond provisions of any subsequent Federal tax laws.

Article VIII – Day to Day Operations and Routes of Appeal

SEC. 1 Any matter not covered by these laws will be the responsibility of the membership of the B.A.A. or its sub-committees and its subject to approval or disapproval by a majority vote of the present and eligible voting members.

SEC. 2 Any vote taken of the B.A.A. membership may, by a motion and a 2nd by Executive Board members in attendance, be placed for reconsideration by the B.A.A. of 2/3 of the present Executive Board members vote for it to be reconsidered.

The issue will then be reconsidered at the next regularly schedules meeting giving both sides opportunity to reorganize their points.

If reconsideration cannot be held until the next regularly scheduled meeting, the president will determine if the issue should be discussed prior to the adjourning of the meeting.

SEC. 3 Any vote of the Executive Board shall be recorded and read at the next B.A.A. meeting.

SEC. 4 No action taken by the B.A.A. can supersede Intertown rules or rules governing that area (A.S.A., Little League, etc.).

Article IX – Code of Ethics

Sec. 1 As stated in article 1, title and objectives, Sec.2. "The objective of the B.A.A. is to promote, organize, administer, and fund athletic programs within the community. Our goal is to create and to inspire a high moral character, sportsmanship, citizenship and dedication to team and to community amongst the youth of Berkley.

To this aim, we have assigned and adopted the following code of ethics.

A) The B.A.A. shall pursue equality of treatment as relates to all aspects of athletic programs amongst all participants. This treatment shall be race and gender-blind, and attend solely to the athletic pursuit of all participants of all ages.

B) All members of teams, all coaches, all representatives and all participants of the B.A.A. and its events must represent themselves with the highest degree of sportsmanship and fairness, civility and teamwork, support and the spirit of volunteerism.

C) All adult participants in B.A.A. events must represent themselves with behavior that should serve as a sound example to the youth of Berkley and to the youth of other communities participating. Specifically, see disciplinary code, section 2.

D) All coaches shall pursue high personal standards from themselves and from participants while pursuing quality of play through a combination of competition, practice, education, and sportsmanship. Excellence in performance should be recognized without bias and without exception.  All coaches will be required to sign the “Guidelines for Coaches” (Attachment 1) below prior to the beginning of the season, or the coach will forfeit his/her right to coach for that season.

SEC. 2 Disciplinary Code

A) Participants shall refrain from the use of alcohol or illegal substances prior to or during any B.A.A. event.

B) Participants shall refrain from profane or vulgar language or discussion during any B.A.A. event. Taunting of any participant during, prior to or following any B.A.A. event is forbidden.

C) No coach or participant shall discipline (in its most general sense) by the use of physical contact, any player or other participant in any B.A.A. event.

D) Tobacco products will be prohibited on all playing fields or in any other sporting arenas during practices or games.

E) No participant shall steal, destroy or deface any B,A,A, property in any way that falls outside of what can be reasonably expected during appropriate competition.

F) The use of B.A.A. resources, including moneys, shall not be utilized for any purpose other than for those expenditures approved by the B.A.A., its charter, its votes or assignments.

This code is intended to serve as a guideline and shall not limit the B.A.A. in any way in further defining disciplinary violations and expectations, or in limiting the manner by which it institutes its codes.

SEC. 3 Player/Adult Commitment/Player Conduct

All players are held responsible for knowing and obeying the contents of the "Player's Code of Conduct". Each player will be given two copies and will return one copy signed by his parent and himself before the first game of the season.

A. Player's code of conduct and penalties for Violations

1. No player can commit and unsportsmanlike offense. This includes, but is not limited to, acts or conduct such as:

a) Disrespectfully addressing or contacting an official (umpire, Referee, etc.) or other persons involved in the game or gesturing in such a manner as to indicate resentment.

b) Using profane or inappropriate language or obscene gestures.

c) Baiting or taunting and opponent.

d) Violent contact such as striking, kicking, kneeing, etc.

2. Any unsportsmanlike foul, intentional or flagrant, results in the player being disqualified.

3. Any player disqualified must leave the field (court, arena, etc.) Immediately or the game can be forfeited.

4. Destruction or misuse of school, public or B.A.A. property results in game disqualification with possibility of suspension pending evaluation by the executive board or the BAA.

SEC.4 The Executive Board has the power to dismiss, suspend or reprimand any coach or player.

A. Grounds for dismissal or discipline shall be any action considered to be detrimental to the operation of the League or contrary to the philosophy, objectives or code of ethics of the B.A.A.

Complaint Process for Coaches:

1.     Complaints are reported to the Director and/or other E-Board members.  Complaints may also be lodged via the website ( – going directly to the President.

2.     All complaints are documented and filed by the Director.

3.     All complaints will be brought to each month’s E-Board meeting to be discussed by the Board, resolved as necessary, and logged into each month’s minutes. 

a)     1st offense - If the Director determines that a complaint(s) is serious enough, a verbal warning will be issued to the coach

b)     2nd offense – A written warning will be issued to the coach, along with a 1 game coaching suspension

                                          i.    The coach will be required to sign the written warning

                                         ii.    An email will be sent to the team’s parents from the Director with a brief explanation of the situation

c)     3rd offense – The coach will be removed from coaching for the duration of the current season, as well as all other sports for the year.  Evaluation and approval by the Board must occur before the individual is allowed to coach again.

B. An individual may also ask for a hearing before the Board to discuss complaints issued to the coach, parent, or player.  An individual may also bring formal complaints before the Board to be discussed and resolved at a hearing. 

Prior to a hearing being called, formal written charges (Attachment III) must be submitted to the President of the B.A.A.

1. The president of the B.A.A. shall serve as chairman of the hearing.

2. No participant may speak unless formally recognized by the hearing chairman.

3. All B.A.A. participants agree to conduct themselves during the hearing by Robert's Rules of Order.

4. At the close of the hearing, the involved parties will be dismissed, from the hearing room, and the B,A,A, executive board will go into executive session.

5. The 1st decision to simply take or not to take action will be based upon a 2/3 vote of the executive board. The subsequent determination, if the decision is to take action, of the action shall be taken shall be based upon a 2/3 vote.

6. All parties will be informed of the findings within 2 calendar days or as soon as is reasonably possible. Until issuance of the findings, any temporary measures taken by the findings, any temporary measures taken by the B.A.A. president shall continue to run. The findings will be communicated by the B.A.A. president.

C. Formal written charges (see attachment IV) brought to the attention of the president shall be aired at a hearing of involved parties with the executive board. However, the president shall have the power to issue a temporary suspension until the hearing. During this suspension, a suspended coach may not perform any of his/her duties as a coach and will not contact any of his/her players. A suspended player may not participate if any B.A.A. event during this period.

D. The hearing will be called by the president and scheduled within seven days of charges being presented.

SEC.5 Definitions

A. Participants – includes, but is not limited to, all players, coaches, officials, spectators or others attending or otherwise involved in a B.A.A. event involving B.A.A. teams.

B. Coach – includes all coaches, assistant coaches, managers, trainers and team scorers.

C. Player – Any currently registered player.

D. Officials – includes umpires, referees, scorers, timers or any person assisting in the operation of a B.A.A. game or event.

Article X – Amendments

SEC.1 Amendments to these by-laws must be submitted for consideration in writing to the Executive board. Such considerations will be read at the next regular B.A.A. meeting and voted on at the following B.A.A. meetings.

SEC.2 Amendments will require a ¾ majority vote of the B.A.A. present to pass, and the amendment, as determined by a ¾ majority vote, will become effective immediately upon approval and appeal consideration.

These by laws have been approved and ratified by the membership of the Berkley Athletic Association on January 2, 1995 and amended (rewrite of Article IX, sections 1 and 4; Attachments I and III.) on May 5, 2014, as witnessed by the Executive board of the Berkley Athletic Association.

President: _______________________________________________________________

Vice-President: ___________________________________________________________

Secretary: _______________________________________________________________

Treasurer: _______________________________________________________________

Girls Director: ___________________________________________________________

Boys Director: ___________________________________________________________

Facilities Coordinator: _____________________________________________________

Officials Coordinator: _____________________________________________________


Guidelines for Coaches

The position of coach is a serious responsibility, because you lead and teach by example, so your behavior is carefully watched and imitated. Your opinions and behavior during games and practices carry more weight than a player's parent or even a player's friends:

A good coach should read and take to heart what former Boston Celtics coach K.C. Jones says in the enclosed letter entitled, "If You Think Winning is the Only Thing That Matters in Sports, Maybe You Should Volunteer for Something Else."


By K.C. Jones

That may seem like a strong statement but, unfortunately, in the last few years, an attitude that "winning is the only thing" has crept into the amateur sports ranks. Sure, winning is everything in professional sports - - that's why the players get paid those enormous salaries. After all, people won't fill stadiums to see losers.

But, in your league sports programs, is it right for a coach to "chew out" his players simply because they didn't win? HARDLY! The purpose of amateur sports programs is basically to instill in youngster those attitudes and characteristics which will make them better adjusted in the years ahead. This can be accomplished by teaching them to prepare themselves physically and mentally before competition so they have every chance to win.

You can teach a youngster that to succeed in life you must work hard by explaining that if he wishes to win the upcoming game, he must once again work hard to prepare. In turn, there is a great education to be gained from learning to lose.

Because they have volunteered their time, many volunteer coaches never stop to think that they are responsible for the welfare of the youngsters they coach. The feeling is that since they are donating their time, they are not really held responsible. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.

Morally, the volunteer coach is held responsible for the psychological damage he may cause youngsters. In a sense, parents are depending on the volunteer coach to see that proper attitudes are instilled in their youngsters' minds. Volunteers who agree to coach also agree to be responsible for the safety of the young people they coach.

A good coach should also:

1.     Coach clean, skillful and sportsmanlike athletics by stressing playing hard to win over winning itself.

2.     Stress good sportsmanship. The coach is responsible for a player's conduct when they are together as a team.

3.     Be a "fun leader". Athletics are games, to be enjoyed, so work on a team morale as well as skills and tactics.

4.     "Praise in Public; Criticism in private."

5.     Know the rules of the game teach them to your players and abide by them and the by-laws.

6.     Refrain from profanity, vulgar language or bad habits. You are molding a character by your example as an adult as well as a coach.

7.     Minimize coaching from the sidelines during games.

8.     Pre-plan all practice sessions in detail to be interesting, fast paced, and involve all team members as much as possible (minimize standing around).

9.     Stress individual skill development more than tactic.

10.   Minimize lectures; maximize demonstrations. Kids learn best by doing, not listening.

11.   Treat any officials (referees, umpires, etc.) with respect no matter what the call. Disagreements are to be discussed in private.

12.   Be responsible for seeing that your players are picked up at the end of practices and games. Under no circumstances are players to be left unattended. If a coach cannot be present, he/she must make arrangements so that an adult will be present to supervise the players.

13.   Be responsible for picking up and returning all equipment and uniforms on designated dates. All managers and coaches should present a list of equipment needs at the close of each season to the equipment manager.

14.   Be responsible for promoting, distributing, collecting and/or returning all letters, notices and fund-raising materials and money.

15.   Immediately communicate any problem with a player to the board.

16.   See to it that all activity is confined to the field or arena except for the use of restrooms.

17.   Attend all general meetings.

BAA Complaint Process / Handling of Violations

The BAA takes complaints and any violations to our current rules/guidelines very seriously.   All complaints may be reported to the Director or any E-Board member.  Complaints may also be lodged via our website,  All complaints that come into the website will go directly to the President of the league.

The BAA’s complaint process is as follows:

·         1st offense – Verbal Warning will be issued to the coach

·         2nd offense – Written Warning, along with 1 game coaching suspension

o    An email will also be sent to the team’s parents with a brief explanation of the situation

·         3rd offense – The Coach will be removed from coaching for the duration of the current season, as well as all other sports for the year.

I have read and will adhere to the “Guidelines for Coaches” as outlined above. 

I have also read and understand how violations will be handled by the BAA.

PRINT COACH’S NAME HERE: ____________________________________

COACH'S SIGNATURE (WRITTEN) ____________________________________



All players are held responsible for knowing and obeying the contents of the "Player's Code of Conduct." Each player will be given two copies and will return one copy signed by his parent and himself before the first game of the season.

A. Player's Code of Conduct and Penalties for Violations

1. No player can commit an unsportsmanlike offense. This includes, but is not limited to, acts or conducts such as:

a) Disrespectfully addressing or contacting an official (umpire, referee, etc.) or other persons involved in the game or gesturing in such a manner as to indicate resentment.

b) Using profane or inappropriate language or obscene gestures.

c) Baiting or taunting an opponent.

d) Violent contact such as striking, kicking, kneeing, etc.

2. Any unsportsmanlike foul, intentional or flagrant, results in the player being disqualified.

3. Any player disqualified must leave the field (court, arena, etc.) immediately or the game can be forfeited.

4. Destruction or misuse of school, public or B.A.A. property results in game disqualification with possibility of suspension pending evolution by the Executive Board of the BAA.

5. All players are subject to all provisions of Article IX (Code of Ethics, Disciplinary Code, and Player Conduct) of the B.A.A. By-Laws.

The League's commitment to good sportsmanship and building character in young people is firm and unequivocal. The player's Code of Conduct is meant to explicitly express our commitment to these ideals and will be vigorously enforced.

PRINT PLAYER'S NAME HERE: ____________________________________

PLAYER'S SIGNATURE (WRITTEN) ____________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ____________________________________



The purpose of this form is to communicate on the written form any formal complaint or concern of any person relative to any B.A.A. event, program or individual member or participant, or participants.

To better address the needs of the community and of our program, we believe this to be the best way to alleviate possibilities for details to vary or change is more likely to happen through vocal communication.

We also believe that the Executive Board can make more expedient, informed, and organized decisions by beginning consideration formally in addressing each aspect of an issue from the written form.

Thanks for sharing your interest and taking the time to write.


Signature _________________________

Print Name________________________

(Attach sheet if more space is needed)

Action taken:


Berkley Athletic Association
P.O. Box 331 
N Dighton, Massachusetts 02764

Email: [email protected]

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